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Student Services Welcome Center

Located in AD-201
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 4:00pm

Welina mai! We are your one-stop shop for all Student Services. Since we opened in 2021, our friendly student associates have been helping to simplify and enhance the student experience by providing efficient and comprehensive assistance for admissions and records, counseling, financial aid, and to veterans, active duty military, and their dependents.

You can get your Student ID Card and we have computers for students to use. We will assist you with applications, processes, scheduling counseling appointments, and more. Visit us in-person or connect with one of our areas by phone or email. We’re here for you!

Key Student Services

three students hanging out on campus lawn

Admissions and Records

Get information about your student record and request copies of your credentials, transcripts, and forms.

Phone: (808) 455-0642
Email: (admissions) (records)

two male students showing their diplomas at graduation


Connect with a counselor to get help with academic advising, career exploration and planning, and support for personal concerns.

Phone: (808) 455-0233

closeup of red native flowers

Financial Aid

Learn about the various sources of assistance that can help you pay for college and reach your academic and personal goals.

Phone: (808) 455-0606

military student posing in front of bamboo trees

Veterans Resource Center

We help veterans and active military students transition into college life and achieve academic success, while also providing assistance with VA benefits and VA healthcare.

Phone: (808) 455-0410

More Student Services

Closeup of student ID card

Student ID Card

New or replacement. A Student ID is a must for every Leeward student.

Two students studying together in classroom

Student Health Center

On-campus health care for students and employees of Leeward CC.

Closeup of student ID card

Mental Health

Confidential services for students at Pu‘uloa and Wai‘anae Moku.

Interior of Student Lounge

Student Life

Get involved, be active, make a difference. Enhance your college experience!

Popcorn with the word "Movies"

Recruitment Office

We’re here to help you explore Leeward and get help when you need it.

Campus bulletin board


College and workforce training funding and support for SNAP recipients.

Popcorn with the word "Movies"

Career Central

Your one-stop shop for career readiness and employment resources.

Early college teacher and students taking selfie

Early College

Earn college credits or get your degree while still in high school.

Join Our Team

Looking for a fulfilling student job? Work alongside your peers while helping Leeward CC students as a Student Associate at the Welcome Center.

Visit SECE to view the Welcome Center Student Associate job description and qualifications – Job Number 269522-A2.

Welcome Center student staff and coordinator