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Welcome To Career Central!

This is our one-stop resource for employers and students where you can find job postings, information about career-related campus resources and events, local job market information, and more!

Job Prep Services (JPS)

Let us assist you with any of your career readiness needs. Explore your career options and get assistance with preparing your pre-employment documents. We offer customized workshops, an online database of shared employers throughout the entire UH Community College System, Career Events/Job Fairs, and industry information/talk story sessions that can help you make an informed decision about your career!


Cori Conner
Job Prep Specialist
Office: DH D-104
(808) 455-0231
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

For Employers

As the bridge between the business community and education, JPS offers the following services to employers:

  • Free job postings to the SECE System
  • Post your job announcement or flyer to the Free Padlet.
    • How to get started:
      • Review the UHCC SECE Terms of Usage for Employers.
      • Register for your account as a 1st-time user here
      • When completing your contact information, please select “Leeward Community College” as your “Campus Affiliation” so that we can manage your account.
      • Reference the Employer Guide for step-by-step information on how to create a profile, post a job, and access applications. Please note that positions posted in SECE are campus-specific, so jobs posted for one campus do NOT automatically become viewable at other campuses. You may post as many jobs as you wish, at any of the campuses as you wish.
      • Bookmark the SECE website.
  • Opportunities to partner with educational institutions through:
    • Hosting workshops to educate students about your company, your industry, hiring practices, model employee behavior and attitudes, and real working world issues.
    • Offering experiential opportunities such as internships.
    • If you are interested in partnering please complete the google form here.

For Leeward CC Students

Looking for a job? JPS can help you find employment on- and off-campus. We can help you organize your resume, prepare for interviews and create employment strategies.

The SECE system allows you to easily search for jobs. New to SECE? Start here.

Hawai‘i Career Explorer

This robust resource, currently being built by the University of Hawai‘i Community Colleges, will be full of helpful information and up-to-date data about our local job market. With the Hawai‘i Career Explorer, you can:

  • Take an assessment if you are undecided about what career to pursue.
  • Learn about Career Pathways through college and training programs that will prepare you for your area of interest.
  • View career information including salary, job duties, required education or skills, and current employment trends and projections. All data is based on our local job market.
  • Browse current job listings related to over 750 occupation profiles. See who is currently hiring in your area.

Visit the Hawaii Career Explorer to help you discover and pursue your dream career!

College 2 Career

Welcome to our College to Career platform. We’re here to provide you with the guidance, resources, and opportunities you need to embark on a fulfilling career journey. Explore our comprehensive tools, expert advice, and industry insights to make informed decisions.

Focus 2 Career

Top 3 Occupations in Hawai‘i (by job postings)

Click on an occupation to view information about local wages, top employers, job outlook, job listings and more.

Career Resources