How to Apply
DE students follow the same steps to become a Leeward student as students in face-to-face classes.

Resources for Students
First time taking online classes? Get started with a short readiness activity and go through our orientation. Need tech resources or personalized assistance? We have a wealth of services available and counselors who are here to help you succeed.

Resources for Instructors
View current DE guidelines and go through a self-assessment to help improve your course design. Find tips on how to use Laulima, Zoom, and Google Meet, and learn about professional development events and workshops.
Leeward CC Online Pathways
- Online AA 5-Week Program
- Accounting, Associate in Science
- UHM Social Science (online social science degree)
- Teaching, Associate in Science
Academic Certificates
- Certificate Of Achievement
- Accounting
- Information & Computer Science
- Academic Subject Certificate
- Accounting
- Business
- Information & Computer Science
- Management
- Travel Industry Management
- Writing – Business Track
- Certificate Of Competence
- Basic Logic & Programming Level 1
- Basic Logic & Programming Level 2
- Business Essentials
- Help Desk
- Hospitality & Tourism
- Management Essentials
- Management Foundations
- Small Business Accounting
- Software Developer
- Teaching, Alternative Certification In Teaching, Track 1 Or 2
- Teaching, Special/Inclusive Education Certificate
Online AA 5-Week Program
Start Fresh Or Start Again. Get Your Degree Online.
You have your reasons. Maybe you want a new career, you want to set an example for your children, or maybe itʻs just been a lifelong dream of yours. Our Online AA 5-Week Program was designed specifically for working adults who want to earn their degree online.
Define Your Track
Leeward’s Liberal Arts (Online) Associate in Arts degree consists of sixty (60) credits, and approximately twenty (20) courses, at the 100-200 levels. There are two fully online AA degree tracks at Leeward: Cohort: Year-Round and Flex Track. Students may pursue either track based on their eligibility and preferences. Details below.
Cohort: Year-Round
Students who have earned 0-30 college-level credits and have college-level test/placement scores may opt to join the Year-Round cohort track (LBRO). Year-Round cohort students take three 5-week courses in the Fall, three 5-week courses in the Spring, and two 5-week courses in the Summer. After approximately 2.5 years, Year-Round cohort students earn their AA degree! To join the Year-Round track, students must schedule a phone or Zoom appointment with the Online Counselor prior to registering for classes.
Flex Track
Students who have earned 30+ college-level credits, or do not have college-level test/placement scores, or need certain online courses that are not offered in the 5-week format may pursue their AA degree fully online through the Flex track (LBRD). Flex track students have flexibility to take online courses in a more flexible way; students may choose to take 16-week online courses, 5-week online courses, or a combination of both. Academic advising is recommended and available by appointment prior to registering for classes.
Information and Resources
Alaka‘ina Scholarship
Students enrolled in the LBRO Cohort program may apply for a full-tuition scholarship through the Alaka‘ina Foundation. A link to apply for Summer 2023 will be sent to all LBRO students on March 31. The application will be available from March 31 through April 30, 2023.
For more information about the Alaka‘ina Scholarship, email alakaina@hawaii.edu.
Helpful Resources