Faculty Members Listed by Last Name in Alphabetical Order (Search Accordingly)

Sandro Jube

Math & Sciences Division
BS 202 Office Phone: (808) 455-0521
Campus Committee Membership

Leeward Community College Diversification Board (Co-chair); General Education Committee (Member); Distance Education (DE) Committee (Math & Science Liaison); Excellence in Online Teaching Award (EOTA) Subcommittee (Chair); Teaching Guidelines and Issues for Faculty (TGIF) Committee (Member)

Other Responsibilities and Activities

BIOL 130 Course Coordinator; UHPA Faculty Representative for PAU #25 (LCC, Natural Sciences); Chair of the Leeward District Science and Engineering Fair (LDSEF); Event Coordinator for the Leeward Regional Science Olympiad; Event Supervisor for the Hawaiʻi State Science Olympiad; Judge for the Hawaiʻi Association of Independent Schools District Science Fair; Judge for the Hawaiʻi State Science and Engineering Fair

Subjects Taught

BIOL 130 and BIOL 130L (Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology)

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