Faculty Members Listed by Last Name in Alphabetical Order (Search Accordingly)

Evelyn Wong

BE 208 Office Phone: (808) 455-0422
Campus Committee Membership

DE Committee (standing committee of the Faculty Senate) Vice-Chair, Re(design) & Review Team Member (planning pilot program, developing Reviewer Training), Grievance Committee Alternate, Service Committee member, DE Liasion for the Business Division, Division Personnel Committee member, Business Division Faculty Mentor

Other Responsibilities and Activities

UHCC Systemwide DE Committee – Leeward CC Representative, Developing 8-Week ACC 132 Payroll Accounting course as an Re(design) & Review program participant, Planning the development of other ACC courses to support an 8-Week ACC program

Subjects Taught

ACC 124 Principles of Acct I, ACC 132 Payroll and Hawaii GE Tax, ACC 201 Intro Financial Acct, ACC 202 Intro to Managerial Accounting, ACC 252 Using QuickBooks in Accounting, BUS 101Business Information Systems

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